Hi, Thank you for the comment and feedback! Apologies that it comes up in an error and for keeping the headings around, the area and form pages were not intended for the game so only the info page has necessary information on it. These have been removed, and a newer build of the recent update will be uploaded soon to reflect this (I'll send a reply when it is!).
Hi, hope things have been enjoyable so far outside of that! The game does have an intentional "keep cracking at it" approach, but it has been on my mind to add less static encounter levels for each map, in favour for ones that might coincide with player level better. To get an estimate on things, what level are your Kreatures currently and what level are the ones you're facing?
well i just made another bit of grind and some of my kritters are like lv18-20 first leader area is quite a nightmare to deal with. worst was THE RAM (LVL 27). o.o" still on the second half of the area having trouble passing the nerd.
Hi, Thanks for giving a general estimate! Since the level gap is very big, I was thinking of letting wild Kreatures be 1 to 3 levels near your party so progress is a little more approachable. The new build with the change should be out in the next few days at latest.
nice! im almost to the end. something i noticed tho is that the dex entry of 121 has a youtube link. couldnt read the last letters right. the last few kreatures i havent seen in the dex is number 73 and 75. idk where to look. also would it be possible if the kreature on our side could face the other way? kinda looks wierd that they look in the same direction in battle. no offense just thought it was a bug or somethin :<
Hi, Sorry that I haven't replied in a while, things have been a little hectic! The Dex entry links to Only Human by Rag'n'Bone Man, and 73 and 75 are transformations of Posey (found in Dump) and Flatman (found in Factory Shore). Some transformations aren't seen in trainer or wild conditions which could explain why they aren't seen just yet.
There will be an easier way to access them in the postgame, which is geared towards far easier ways to collect any leftover Kreatures. As for Kreature direction, that's definitely a good point! I'll see if it can be done, and it'll be in the next build if it can be.
Love the game so far, have been streaming it to a few friends of mine on discord and we have been having a blast with it. I have a few things though.
In Gyrocity, the dude that gives you a Gyro will softlock the game if he is talked to again and starts to run off the screen.
I have seen items that I just physically can't get an example is near the ends of Rocky Plains, the top of a tree prevents you from going to the item and picking it up. Another item that you can't get due to the tree's in Rocky Plains is the one you see in Gyrocity.
Do you have like a list for each location of all the kreatures you can find in each wild grass? It would help with my desire to catch them all and prove that I am the best.
Still, great work on this, keep it up and can't wait for the next update.
Hi, thanks for the comment and it's good to hear you're enjoying the game! I'll look into the issues mentioned and as for the grass locations, let's just say something's cooking!
Fixed the bug and inaccessibility issue now! Thanks for mentioning it, collision for certain tree tops was a very late addition so it definitely makes sense that something like this might've slipped past. I looked through each map and it doesn't look like the trees obstruct anything else, but if they do please mention again!
Game has a sick aesthetic and I have been enjoying it playing it! I love all the kube kritters so it has been very fun to collect them!
However, there seems to be a bug that does not allow you to learn new moves after your kube kritter levels up when they have a full move set. Would appreciate some help with this issue.
Hi, Thanks for the comment, glad to see you're enjoying the game! Thanks also for mentioning the issue, that's something that didn't come up before oddly enough but if I've ran into the same thing here it seemed to have been a UI error. It's been fixed now, and once the new build is up I'll send a follow-up to this comment!
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Thank you for the comment and feedback! Apologies that it comes up in an error and for keeping the headings around, the area and form pages were not intended for the game so only the info page has necessary information on it. These have been removed, and a newer build of the recent update will be uploaded soon to reflect this (I'll send a reply when it is!).
New build is up now!
I have another question, will there be a way to find kreatures locations and evolution lvl?
Also sorry, I accidentally deleted my post to this.
is there a better way to grind ? i keep getting rekt after crimson cave. :<
Hi, hope things have been enjoyable so far outside of that! The game does have an intentional "keep cracking at it" approach, but it has been on my mind to add less static encounter levels for each map, in favour for ones that might coincide with player level better. To get an estimate on things, what level are your Kreatures currently and what level are the ones you're facing?
well i just made another bit of grind and some of my kritters are like lv18-20 first leader area is quite a nightmare to deal with. worst was THE RAM (LVL 27). o.o" still on the second half of the area having trouble passing the nerd.
now its the second leader that gives me an hard time. all my kreatures are lvl 25. arent there "many faces" around? i saw that they give good exp.
Thanks for giving a general estimate! Since the level gap is very big, I was thinking of letting wild Kreatures be 1 to 3 levels near your party so progress is a little more approachable. The new build with the change should be out in the next few days at latest.
nice! im almost to the end. something i noticed tho is that the dex entry of 121 has a youtube link. couldnt read the last letters right. the last few kreatures i havent seen in the dex is number 73 and 75. idk where to look. also would it be possible if the kreature on our side could face the other way? kinda looks wierd that they look in the same direction in battle. no offense just thought it was a bug or somethin :<
Sorry that I haven't replied in a while, things have been a little hectic! The Dex entry links to Only Human by Rag'n'Bone Man, and 73 and 75 are transformations of Posey (found in Dump) and Flatman (found in Factory Shore). Some transformations aren't seen in trainer or wild conditions which could explain why they aren't seen just yet.
There will be an easier way to access them in the postgame, which is geared towards far easier ways to collect any leftover Kreatures. As for Kreature direction, that's definitely a good point! I'll see if it can be done, and it'll be in the next build if it can be.
Love the game so far, have been streaming it to a few friends of mine on discord and we have been having a blast with it. I have a few things though.
In Gyrocity, the dude that gives you a Gyro will softlock the game if he is talked to again and starts to run off the screen.
I have seen items that I just physically can't get an example is near the ends of Rocky Plains, the top of a tree prevents you from going to the item and picking it up. Another item that you can't get due to the tree's in Rocky Plains is the one you see in Gyrocity.
Do you have like a list for each location of all the kreatures you can find in each wild grass? It would help with my desire to catch them all and prove that I am the best.
Still, great work on this, keep it up and can't wait for the next update.
Hi, thanks for the comment and it's good to hear you're enjoying the game! I'll look into the issues mentioned and as for the grass locations, let's just say something's cooking!
Fixed the bug and inaccessibility issue now! Thanks for mentioning it, collision for certain tree tops was a very late addition so it definitely makes sense that something like this might've slipped past. I looked through each map and it doesn't look like the trees obstruct anything else, but if they do please mention again!
what... does pikachu look like? o.o"
i love the artwork and dialogue so much it is much different from any other game released in present day
This game has the Swagger tbh
Game has a sick aesthetic and I have been enjoying it playing it! I love all the kube kritters so it has been very fun to collect them!
However, there seems to be a bug that does not allow you to learn new moves after your kube kritter levels up when they have a full move set. Would appreciate some help with this issue.
Thanks for the comment, glad to see you're enjoying the game! Thanks also for mentioning the issue, that's something that didn't come up before oddly enough but if I've ran into the same thing here it seemed to have been a UI error. It's been fixed now, and once the new build is up I'll send a follow-up to this comment!
Bug fix build is up now!